PCCVOX (PCC Voice) unites singers in every genre and from every skill level throughout the vibrant Pasadena City College vocal music community. It includes the Classical and Jazz Choral Ensembles, Opera Workshop, Musical Theatre Workshop, Voice Classes, and Applied Music Program (voice lessons). PCCVOX members perform every style of music and come from every corner of Pasadena City College as well as the Pasadena metropolitan area. Many PCCVOX members are music majors; many others are not. Many PCCVOX members are experienced; many others are not. What unites all PCCVOX members is a love of singing and joy in working with and getting to know each other.

PCCVOX is a beautiful musical family.

Come. Sing. Learn. Find your voice.

Pasadena City College

Pasadena City College is recognized as one of the best community colleges in the country and California’s #1 community college in terms of university transfers. PCC has been embedded in Southern California academia since 1924. Every day, PCC faculty, students, and staff go beyond convention to achieve the impossible. Its faculty, graduates, and former students, now numbering in the hundreds of thousands, have contributed greatly to business, education, industry, the professions, and most other aspects of American society.